Monday, May 16, 2005

Are You Ready to Run a Business?

Pretty simple question, isn't it.

Have you taken the time to consider whether you really want all the duties, responsibilities, joys and headachs of running a business. And make no mistake, a mediation practice of any size is a small business!

Now is a good time to figure that out. Luckily the Internet is awash with resources for emerging entrepreneurs. You can read more and take a quick quiz here.

If you know you're ready (and who could talk you out of it anyway!), start gathering business knowledge by visiting these resources:

    Entreworld One of the most robust portal sites for entrepreneurship. A very good place to start your research and learn about business planning. It looks intimidating but there are gems in there for the persistent. Janet Attard, site owner, has long been a strong resource for small business owners. Her site is full of clear, easy to implement strategies and tips for launching businesses. The how to sell artices are especially good.

Check out these websites. Just don't forget to talk to some real-live business owners, hopefully mediators, too. It ain't always like what ya read in books. And wouldn't you rather know now that you aren't interested in running a business?

Ciao, Dina


At 6:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another great site is

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Dina Lynch, said...

Excellent resource, Michael. Thanks!


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