Friday, June 17, 2005

Down the Rabbit Hole

I'm alittle dizzy from all the spinning.

Of course, I should continue the article on writing with a post on promotional materials. ADR businesses faces a particularly nasty paradox when it comes to advertising our work. Many of our clients don't want anyone to know they had a problem--much less that they went to an 'outsider' like us to fix it. So, how do you demonstrate your credibility, expertise and provide real-life examples of the benefits of your work?

My answer is a work in progress, so why not write in and tell me yours? Truly, I want to know...and so does everyone else!

Anyway, I went down the blogging rabbit hole today in search of information about business blogs for a fantastic article I'm co-authoring with Diane Levin for the summer journal issue of the New England Chapter of the Association of Conflict Resolvers.
I found absolutely captivating stuff, like the statistic that says over 60% of Internet users have no idea what a blog is. Since you're reading this blog, I assume that you do. But if you want to enlighten your friends (please do) visit Blogshop as a very good first stop.

And just to be interesting, I've decided that business blogs need a special name like blawgs- a law blog. So hence forth, business blogs will be known, at least by me, as BIZOGS

Sounds edgy, doesn't it. Let' start writing that everywhere and see if it catches on.

Ciao, Dina


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