Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic: The Basics, Pt. 1
Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithematic Of Building a Mediation Practice
Reading is fundamental Once I started reading more of everything
my business ideas became more creative and better grounded in experience.
Read everything you can on the mediation and ADR.
If you aren't already getting a ezine from, subscribe. I learn alot
just seeing what others are writing about.
You can go wrong subscribing to the Online Guide to
Mediation penned by our own Trailblazer, Diane J. Levin. It's fun
to read and offers very interestinig perspectives on mediation
and tons of useful information like a recent post on other ADR blogs.
Reading business magazines may seem boring but you can't beat'em
for 'out of the box' ideas on management and sales. Reading how
Wachusetts Mountain, a ski lodge in Mass.,strategized to use its excess capacity at night in Inc. magazine inspired me to use my excess capacity and add training and speaking to my mix.
Enjoy reading at no cost to you. No, save your cash for other things. Take yourself to the public library and read their magazines. Or, make nice with the librarian and she'll save the back issues for you (the information is generally still good).
Search out some business and marketing blogs, too. Small Business Trends features a wealth of business blogs >and The Entrpreneurial Mind has a great post now on how to spot market opportunities.
(We talked about that, remember?)
For marketing, take a peek at Duck Tape Marketing Blog
. It's a blog channel for marketing discussions from 9 different marketing gurus
including selling to big companies with Jill Konrath.
Not only will you shorten your learning curve, you'll get lots
of story ideas for all those articles you're going to write to
promote your new mediation practice. Right?
WARNING: Blog reading can be addictive. In preparing this
post I must have spent hours researching and reading. Don't get so
caught up in researching that you forget to build your mediation practice!
Ciao, Dina
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