Monday, July 25, 2005

Reach Out and Talk to Someone

To paraphrase Janet Jackson, what have you done for your business lately? No, I don't mean planning, although it's a very important task. No, I don't mean research even though you'll need to be on top of news and trends. I mean, have you talked with someone about what you do?

It's simple. Our business is a people business. Word of mouth is one of our best marketing tools. Try to talk to two people a day about your business. You can email someone who has a website that is complementary to yours. Better yet, call someone in your niche (you do have a niche, right?) and ask what's keeping them up at night.

Sounds tough and it is. Nothing worth having is obtained easily. Just remember, you provide services that help people. That's something to talk about. Need more convincing? You'll get lots of benefits when you reach out:

  1. practice--this gets easier with practice.

  2. data about the challenges your prospective clients face

  3. feedback on what attracts clients to your services

Best of all, increasing your visibility in the marketplace will grow your mediation practice. Pick up the phone today, people!

Ciao, Dina

PS Every now and again I run across a good resource or two. You may want to subscribe to both of these newsletters to keep abreast.

Keith L. Seat publishes the Mediation News and Updates. He's a commercial mediation and works in the government and law sector. Diane Pfadenhauer publishes the Employment Practices Advisers- News and Updates, which I find invaluable in serving my clients with under 200 employees. Check them both out.


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