Thursday, December 15, 2005

New Year, New Stuff

It's that time of year again. You're ready to make
a few resolutions to boost your business for next year.
I have one thing to say about it: Don't!

(Learn about my fun ADR contest, Click here!)

I don't know about you, but most of us, including me,
don't keep resolutions for more than a short time, or
at all.

Rather than spend my energy devising resolutions, this
year I'm finding role models who can show me a road map of
how to get where I want to go.

To improve my platform and sales on I'm working with Travis Greenlee,a masterful coach at Virtual Practice Builder. Don't judge a coach by his web page; Travis is the real deal.

To drive readership, I'm reading blogs like
Next Level Biz Tips and Duct Tape Marketing Blog Channel especially Troy White who writes Word Wealth, which is brimming with how to and don't ever tips.

To polish Mediation Mensch, I'm trying strategies from
my friend, Diane Levin of Online Guide to Mediation- truly one of the
best written, most interesting, informative blogs in our business.

All of these folks have enjoyed success. I hope
to enjoy the same and more by following in their footsteps.

Whose steps will you be following next year?

Try, fail and learn,


PS Did you submit your entry for the Peacepreneur tagline yet? (read 12/12 What's My Line). Come on, I know you have one, so SEND IT IN. Contest closes 12/31 at 7


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