Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Remember how I was talking about focusing? Well,
let me tell you--it works!

As a result of lots of hard work (with a big dollop of fun),
I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my very first Laser Call.

Title: Writing for Dollars- Article Writing Strategy
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Time 12: 00- 12:40 p.m. EST
Location: Anywhere you are!

The 40 minute, lecture-style call will focus exclusively on
the basics and mechanics of using article writing as a
marketing tool, a great marketing tool. There's also a companion
worksheet that has plenty of online resources to keep you
motivated. Click the button below for more details and to register.

Why Article Writing?

Short answer- it's easy and it works.
All the publicity I've
gotten in the past year, and it's a considerable amount, has
been the result of writing something: a letter to the editor,
press releases, blog comments, and articles. It's a terrific way to
let the world sample you in their own time in a convenient way.

Visibility for me and my website increased when
I approached writing and submission in a systematic way.
What does increased visibility really mean? Clients contacted me instead of the other way around. I could reach out to prospects with interesting content
instead of simply prospecting for business. Like-minded folks email me
to do joint ventures and such.

Why attend a Laser Call?

Short answer- it's fast and it works. You can get the information, tips and advice you need to build a profitable ADR business in a convenient way.
I was just chatting with a lovely woman who plans to practice mediation
with a focus on intercultural conflict. She mentioned that it is difficult
to find resources on what types of training is best; how others started in
the field and brainstorm ideas for getting experience (there are few internships

You can get that kind of practical, proven content on a Laser Call. And, when the ADRPracticeBuilder.com launches this spring you'll be able to get all that in an intense two day format that gives you a blueprint for success. (Someone recently described my session at the Ombuds conference as so many good ideas it felt like 'getting a drink from a fire hose!- I'm taking that as
a compliment ;)

Don't forget to register for tomorrow call at noon.

Try. Fail. Learn. Grow.



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