Saturday, April 08, 2006

Staying Focused

One of the most difficult things to do, at least for me, is to stay focused.

Good stuff happens all the time, and I just want to jump into every project with both feet. While this enthusiasm has definitely served me very well over the 13 years during which I created 3 ADR companies (and a fourth will launch soon!), it can be actually detract from success if not properly managed.

Take right now, for instance. I'm just back from presenting a terrific (their words not mine) session on building a private Ombuds practice at the International Ombuds Association conference in San Diego. Besides wanting to stay in touch will all the really fine Ombuds-entrepreneurs I met, I came away raring to get ADR Practice Builder launched! I'm designing the website right now.

I've been talking about Laser Calls for weeks and my first will be hosted on
April 12th. YES! This Wednesday!! It's called Writing for Dollars- Article Writing Campaigns. It'll offer the first steps for becoming a recognized expert by writing articles.

I'm setting up the registration using Acteva, an easy to use, time-saving tool. Acteva takes registration, collects tuition and even allow me to send messages and resources to my participants. Check back on Monday after 6 p.m. EST for the link to register for Wednesday's Laser Call.

Lastly, I'm scrambling to finish a press release announcing that I'm featured in
Costco Connection this month. (It's page 9- I had trouble finding it at first.) My mom is thrilled because she finally has something to show her friends. Once the release is finished I'll distribute it using PRWeb, which will turn your release into a pod cast for an additional fee. Pretty cool, huh.

Naturally, with all this going on I feel overwhelmed (also happy, very happy though). But my focus is scattered. Here's my strategy for getting everything done, and I'm almost embarrassed that it's so simple: do one thing at a time.

I realized that most of my tasks are somewhat interrelated. The Laser calls need to be tied into the website. The release can preview the launch of ADR Practice Builder, etc. I can accomplish more by finishing each task with a high degree of attention. I'll let you know how it works out.

Don't forget to drop back Monday night to register for the Laser Call. Writing has gotten some tremendous results for me and it can do the same for you!

Try. Fail. Learn. Grow.



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