How Do You Eat an Elephant?
You know how a song will get stuck in your head? I have a quote stuck in mine, and I kinda like it.
I can't recall if this is an African proverb or a riddle I heard at a management seminar, but it's always stuck with me as inspiration.
How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
That thought comforts me when major anxiety about work and family life seems too overwhelming.
As I coach with my mediation practice clients; grow and tour for speaking engagements I'm seeing a big elephant that will be eaten one morsel at a time. It's the only way to do quality work without burning yourself out, I think.
What do you tell yourself to stay inspired and motivated?
I'd love to hear (we can all use as much encouragement as possible). So, go ahead. Either send me your gem by email or leave it as a comment below.
I'll post some of the very best to the blog, and who knows, you're might be among them!
Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!
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