Saturday, October 07, 2006

Is Your Website Really About What You Think?

It's an excellent question. Like most really profound questions it's short but packs a wallop when you dig deep to find the answer.

Recently, I got my usual bundle of goodies from Larry Chase who pens the very geeky yet essential, Web Digest for Marketers. I love this newsletter. There's always a new tool or tweak to improve my website. This issue was no exception.

Is Your Website Really About What You Think?

I checked out a site called Keyword Cloud that made me ask my self that very question. Keyword Cloud analyzes the density of words on your site. It can help you see what you're attracting from a SEO perspective. is a coaching website devoted to mediators who want a career that is richly rewarding in every way. OK, you'd think that mediation or some variation thereof would be featured pretty prominently on the site. Right?

Not so, my friend. I learned that mediation isn't even one of the top 3 keywords on the site. How embarrassing? But now I know and can fix it.

What was really fascinating (or maybe moronic on my part) is that none of the messages I thought I was clearly communicating were captured in the keywords. When I do the re-write I'll pay closer attention to that.

What's all this mean to you?

A couple of things. It means you do need a website (it bears repeating again). That it's important to use Internet tools like Keyword Cloud to make sure you're reaching who you want and saying what you mean. And, lastly, websites truly are like gardens...the weeding never ends.

Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!


P.S. I'm moderating the panel discussion at the Fall NE-ACR Member Meeting. If you're a member, why not stop by.


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