Thursday, November 09, 2006

Become an Elder Care Coach

Good ideas are all around us if we keep our eyes and ears open.

I shared a airport shuttle with a number of ACR attendees and we got to talking about our work naturally. We were discussing ADR in health care when Art Benson, a attorney and mediator from Danbury, Wisconsin, wondered if anyone knew of a mediator that could help families gather information to properly support an elderly member of the family.

We couldn't think of anyone directly, but what a great niche idea.

Someone in the role of an Elder Care Coach would help families become educated on the myriad of details that must be mastered to successfully navigate an unyielding and sometime unforgiving system.

Peggy Herrmann, who runs the Herrmann Group- a facilitation/mediation practice in Athens, GA- reminded us how simply knowing the right questions to ask or using 'insider' language can make the difference.

I think this role would make a wonderful service addition to a elder care mediation practice. This niche of end users is identifiable, organized and affordably reachable (learn more about these niche defining questions during my 11/21 teleseminar, Attracting Your Ideal Client: Find Your Niche) There are plenty of referral sources, i.e. EAPs, hospitals, nursing homes, state agencies.

Someone please take this idea! And, keep me posted.


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