Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Best of All Intentions- Mediation in 2007

This is a very good time to look ahead at where you want your mediation practice to go in 2007

Looking Back

Yes, I know now is when people often look back at their accomplishments. If you do a personal 'year in review' of your mediation practice I hope you'll pause long enough to realize your life and your work matter.

Just your presence on the planet matters to us all for a myriad of reasons. Whether you brought comfort to those in distress or inspiration to those without hope, or boundaries to chaos, you matter. And, there's no greater accomplishment than being in each other's lives.

Looking Ahead

As you look to the future to plan, do something radical. Ignore conventional wisdom that requires resolutions and promises. Next year see what comes from setting intentions instead of goals.

What I like about intentions is almost the polar opposite of why I like to set goals. Goals are structured and 'chunkable'. I can craft a path for me to follow that will lead to my eventual success. But intentions...well, intentions are fluid and often bring results that I couldn't have predicted in ways that I wouldn't have imagined.

Setting Intentions

What are your intentions for 2007?

Here are my intentions for 2007. Boy, they are big, hairy and downright scary. I share them for several reasons. One, thoughts have power. The more I speak and write these intentions the more they become part of the fabric of my life and possible. Two, I share them because I'd like you to accompany me on this journey. And, most importantly, I share them because I hope you'll be inspired to set an intention or two for yourself.

  • Build mailing list to 1500
  • Enroll 364 members to (re-launch 1/5)
  • Turn Mediation Mensch into a book
  • Host Breakthrough Summit- a live event
  • Take two great vacations
  • Begin to seriously investigate my 'dream semi-retirement'

OK, you may be saying, 'hey, those sound a lot like goals'. Here's the difference, at least in my addled brain- I don't have a clear path for doing any of it, nor will I make one. Why?

" I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations
hinder my path."
- Dalai Lama

I want to be suprised. I don't want to feel like a horse with blinders on dashing for the finish line unaware of what's around me . I'd like my life to be a bit more adventurous, more spontaneous. Sure that means things will get messy or confusing from time to time. But I'm betting- and I hope you will too- that belief in oneself and 'something bigger' will yield some pretty amazing outcomes.

Tell Me Yours

Call me crazy if you like, but I'd like to think that if we're all thinking about each others intentions and successes that they will manifest a bit sooner or easier. Sort of like an idea that's time has arrived or a 'critical mass' thing. So please, take a moment and add your intentions either for yourself or for mediation in general to the comment area.

Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!



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