Monday, December 11, 2006

How's the Inner You Doing?

It's the end of the year. Time to reflect. If one of your thoughts is: "I'd like to feel more comfortable with success" then have I got a teleseminar for you!

Kristina Haymes of Mediation Marketing Tips is one terrific marketer and a dear friend.

That's why I'm delighted to share her no cost teleseminar with you. It's called 'How to Play the Inner Game and Create Success from the Inside Out'. No doubt she'll tell you that it's 'what's on the inside' that really counts. Once you get out of your head, out of your own way--watch out world!

You can learn more and register for Thursday's (12/14)teleseminar here I'm definitely going to be there if my schedule permits...

Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!



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