Lynch named Savvy Solo by Cartier-Liebel
Many thanks so Susan Cartier-Liebel, who pens the Build a Solo Practice blog, for naming me a Savvy Solo. Both Susan and I agree that one of the best ways to get a new practice- mediation or law- off the ground quickly and successfully is to invest in yourself and in gathering knowledge. Read what Susan says here...
Whether it's a business book, ebook, course or coach, it's crazy not to take advantage of the wealth of help available on the Internet and world-wide. Personally, I wouldn't make a move without my 'dream team' which grows regularly.
There's Ericka, who I call my SuperVA because she's an incredibly versatile colleague who keeps this place running (and often brainstorms with me about ideas).
There's Tom, a cheery Brit who has been instrumental in getting the new ready technologically. I've learned a ton from Tom's patient guidance both as a geek and a coach. He teaches me not only how to do tech things smarter but also reminds me how fabulous and motivating it can be to work with an optimistic partner. I try to bring the same enthusiasm into every coaching session I have in the Mensch Program (that's my new coaching offering- more later)
What does all this mean to you? Get up, get out and find someone to help you! It doesn't have to be me (although I'd love to help), but you need someone who can nurture you and your dreams. If the first person isn't right keep looking until you get the whole package-a great personal fit and reliable knowledge, all delivered to in a meaningful way.
This is a light bulb idea that can change your view of you and your future. I know because with my team behind me, my potential is limitless...
Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!
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