Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Let's Stay Together: Marital Mediation Practice

An attorney in Chicago recently posted a billboard that says, 'Life is short. Get a Divorce'. Certainly that resonates with some people, but Laurie Israel finds that some married couples are searching for new ways to stay together.

Laurie, an attorney and divorce mediator in Brookline, MA, expanded her practice to include 'mediation to stay married' and shared her experiences during a recent teleseminar, Building a Marital Mediation Practice. Here are a few of Laurie's insights for creating this type of practice:

  • Be passionate about the types of problems you want to assist couples to resolve

  • Being married or divorced isn't a pre-requisite but it builds understanding and awareness

  • Surround yourself with responsible practitioners like mental health professionals, attorneys who can supplement/compliment your expertise

  • Market by writing articles and speaking as much as you can. You never know where new clients will come from

The discussion was far-reaching and included Laurie's philosophy of 'mediating in the shadow of the law'. The audio recording of the call is available on ADRPracticebuilder.com in the Marketplace.

Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!


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