Monday, June 04, 2007

Ain't Necessarily So...

I love feedback. I'm especially grateful to Vicki Pynchon who pens the SCMA blog for her comment on mediators collaborating. (see May 15 post).

Here's my take

As I remarked in my return comment, I have experienced a sense of fear, mistrust and less than friendly behavior from other mediators. Of course, that's unfortunate. What's worse, I think, is the general lack of awareness of what we can do for each other on a daily basis. Let me give you an example or two.

Several times a month I get requests either to conduct mediation training or to recommend a program. Even though I can boast of training about a thousand people in mediation over the years and am certainly capable of doing the work, I choose to send it along to two non-profit groups I know. Why?

I respect their work tremendously and want to actively support their continued existence. And I no longer do training. It's not my niche anymore so taking the work would be bad for my business. My energies are better spent on my core niche- online marketing for mediators- rather than chasing short term revenues. Yet, I hear mediators often say they'll do whatever comes across their desk. Does that help the profession or the client? I don't think so.

Another example of choosing to share is when I'm interviewed by the media. Each time I've been featured by a major business publication like Inc, I've chosen to direct the reporter to others in the field who would add value to the story. It's a win-win for everyone: the reporter has less research; another practice gets press; and the profession gains more credibility. Not hard to do, but besides ADR bloggers like Vicki, Diane, Geoff and Anthony, I don't see much of that happening.

Prove me wrong

I hear my experience echoed back to me from others in the field in this country and internationally. But, I'd like to be wrong. So, if you've had great experiences of being mentored or collaborating, please share them in the comments. We all could benefit from more ideas of how to help each other. United we stand, divided we fall.

Try. Fail. SHARE. Grow!



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