Website Do's and the Winner is...
Everyone who attended our last teleseminar, Website Do's and Don'ts with Lisa Wells came away with a new bit of information, including me. Turns out I didn't have a privacy statement near enough to my webform, which is a don't according to Lisa.
Here are a few of the other tidbits Lisa shared:
- Put your contact information on every page to increase credibility. (I'd also say add a way for readers to 'sample' you via a free giveaway, too)
- Sprinkle your selected keywords throughout your copy to increase Google ranking. (Do this in a natural way otherwise you'll be seen as 'stuffing' and your ranking will tank)
- Be sure your site has easy navigation and is accessible. (That means using the alt tags for pictures so that someone using a web page reader can still find your site useful)
Some of the very best conversation was around whether to include your prices on your site or not and how to work with a web designer. The audio is available on if you want to listen in.
And, the winner is...
I'm delighted to announce that Colm Brannigan of Ontario, Canada was the winner of the Website Makeover Contest. Just in time, too. Colm is knee deep in creating his website, which we'll share with all of you after he's had his free consultation with Lisa and I.
Many thanks to all the other contestants who participated. I couldn't resist offering a bit of feedback to one or two, anyway, which probably was a big surprise.
Staying on the website theme, I'm planning a session with a tech expert for the fall tentatively titled, 'Tech Questions Answered for Mediators. I often have a question about how to do something like how to zip files or how to add an RSS feed. Luckily, I have a great tech resource and you should find one, too. Meanwhile, feel free to send me your burning tech questions to include in the call.
Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!
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