Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mediation Niche Articles - Submit Here

Want to see someone who really understands how to execute a niche concept? Visit Chris Knight over at Ezinearticles.com. He has over 430 separate niche categories. Amazing and amazingly smart.

Publishers who frequent Ezinearticles.com for great content don't have time to waste combing through hundreds, or thousands, of articles. They want content NOW. The vast number of niches ensures that publishers get what they need quickly and enables them to really hone in on the specific needs and interests of their readers.

As an author who contributes to this bank, I want to know that my articles are well placed and not lost in the pile. Consequently, I look for the most relevant category when I submit my writing.

Chris has made it incredibly easy for mediators with a variety of niches - from family to workplace and beyond - to find a home. For instance, a quick peek at the 27 new categories he recently added reveals 5 gems:
  • business-non-profit
  • home & family-death, dying, grandparents
  • real estate-construction
  • relationships-marriage
  • self improvement
  • Mediators lament that it's hard to market, but really this is a gimme, folks.

    If you haven't written at least two articles and posted them online, you've got to ask yourself, "What am I waiting for?" Need a little guidance getting started or ridding yourself of imposter syndrome, then grab these audios:

    The Writing Series with Linda Dessau

    Step-by-step, Linda will walk you thru recognizing the value you already have to offer; selecting writing topics that click for your niche; and publishing a newsletter/ezine so you stay top of mind with potential clients.

    Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!



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