Friday, October 05, 2007

Better than Papelbon: What's Your Best Elevator Pitch?

Nobody likes doing an elevator pitch. It's nerve-wracking. A bit embarrassing. And, surely you never quite get out all the words you practiced for so long. And, yet... if you nail that 30 seconds of flirtation, new clients and connections await you.

Pitching Greatness

I'm sure Jon Papelbon would agree that pitching greatness is a art and science- in baseball and in business.

I'm thinking about the difference between a boring elevator pitch that outlines services, locations, cost savings, etc and a crisp, humorous pitch that catchs my attention and imagination. On October 25th, I'm hosting a call, Elevator Pitches Made Easy, for mediators to take their best shot and get just-in-time feedback. The best pitches- definitely, the ones that make me say hmmm- are provocative. Compelling pitches draw me into the conversation further with just a few well chosen words until I'm asking questions and thinking about next steps.

The analogy that comes to mind for me is seduction. Although that word has a pretty racy past, the dictionary describes it as ' deliberately enticing someone into an act'. Getting clients to work with you as their mediator could be considered a seduction. And, if that's the case it makes figuring out your pitch a lot more fun, I think.

Help Sharpen My Ears

As the 25th approaches, I feel the need to perk up my ears. So, here's a serious invitation. You are cordially invited to add your very best elevator pitch to my comment section. I'll get a tune up and you'll get a exposure for your website and maybe even some on the fly coaching! Add your pitch below now!

Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!


PS as a little fall fling, I'm bundling One Page Business Plan with Elevator Pitches Made Easy. Register for both for just $65



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