Ask Mediation Mensch a Mediation Marketing Question
It's an occupational hazard, and maybe hazardous to my health (you heard about the cat, right?), but I love to ask questions. And, I hope you do, too.
Got Questions?
I write this blog with the intention of sharing what I know and learn about mediation, online and social media marketing with you. Most of the time I think I hit the mark, encouraging you to take chances or try a new tech tool. But, sometimes, the conversation feels a bit one-sided. So,if there's a question about marketing your mediation or ADR practice- let 'er rip! ( a big shout-out to Darren Rowse of for this great idea)
I'll personally answer as many questions as I can then the remaining ideas will become the basis for more content this year. It's gonna be fun finding guest writers and presenters.
By the way, we're doing something similar at We established Learning Circles- Workplace and Family- to dig deeper into each niche. We're already exploring some great tactical questions like how to select a topic for a blog; when and how to tell clients raising fees and how to create passive income products. I want to bring that juice and know-how to the blog.
Yep, Any Question
So, what are you waiting for? If you're ready to make a good living as a mediator, jot down your question in the comments below.
Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!
PS Due to a glitch some folks may receive this post twice. Sorry, we're working to repair things now. d
Dina-Here's my marketing/business building question:
from the time of business startup, we struggle with the necessary clerical and busywork aspects of marketing that we might not be so good at--sending emails, farming letters, placing ads, putting together mailing lists, etc.--then we begin to get some clients and do what we actually are meant to do.
So when this process begins to unfold, isn't it best to use your first (part-time) employee to do all the stuff other than ADR practice? And what are the trade-offs for real life vs. virtual assistant? Seems like a local person (who can work from their own location) is more flexible and better to start with. Thanks, WillVan
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