I love Green, Part 2
Hopefully now you've had a look at The Green, programming at the Sundance Channel or read my last green post so this will make some sense.The other show I adore is Eco-biz, which features entrepreneurs who have taken on the green challenge in amazing ways.
I love Terracycle which was founded by two young upstarts, Tom Szaky and Jon Beyers who dared to find a better way to use trash. Every part of their product is made from trash. Terracycle transforms soda bottles that would normally find their way into a landfill into containers for fertilizer which started out as poop. Genius! (and apparently scary for the Scott company that is now suing Terracycle.)
My inner geek loves this stuff, but I'll stop ranting. What I wanted to explore was how can mediation work with other industries in such an integrated way.
All it takes is for some, or even one, of us mediators to make some new breakthroughs about how either mediation itself(or it's parts unbundled) can better serve the world. I kinda like what George Bernard Shaw had to say:
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man."
Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!
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