Cool FREE Tech Tools
If you're a gadgethead like me, you're gonna be very happy. Camtasia, the recognized leaders in video recording software, is offering Camtasia for FREE!
You can download a free copy of Camtasia 3 for your own use.
What's the catch?None, really. It's an older version of the software. Once you download it and it's key it's fully functional. (I downloaded mine yesterday but haven't had a moment to play with it yet) The makers hope you'll use this version and then want to pay (at a discount) to upgrade to the latest version. Brilliant marketing.
Why do Mediators Want Video?
Simple- it's another way to build connection and visibility. Think about how compelling it would be to potential clients if they could hear and see you talking about your view of mediation or explaining how you help your clients? Can't get a better 'taste' unless you give away consultations (which I don't recommend).
What if I'm not a Video Star Material?
Yeah, I thought about that too. I heard about this software years ago but hesitated because I was kinda anxious about being 'on camera'. I'm over it and you should be too.
Want proof? Spend a few moments on YouTube looking at ordinary folks who now have Vblogs and such. You'll see that most aren't especially good looking or uniquely talented. They're just folks who want to share something to help others- sounds like mediators to me.
Since the software is free there's really no excuse not to try it. Also, download Snagit which is also being offered gratis. You'll be able to capture screen images to use on your website or blog. (you DO have a website, right??)
Try. Fail. Learn. Grow!